
Member Spotlight: Kristen Lowrey | Team Body Project

Member Spotlight: Kristen Lowrey | Team Body Project

You’ve seen her kicking butt in our videos and many of you have been inspired by her transformation, but what you may not know about Kristen is that she is also the word wizard behind many of our blogs and newsletters. Let’s get to know Team Body Project member Kristen!

Kristen has been training with us for years and is a shining example of what drives the Team Body Project team to keep making videos and showing up for our community. We love her warm smile, her ‘why not’ attitude – and of course those occasional tumbles that remind us not to take ourselves too seriously!

Kristen brings a welcome dose of fun to our workouts. And we are so excited to share why she loves TBP and a little bit about her Body Project results with you.

We’ve all gotten to know your gorgeous smile and enthusiasm in the workouts. Can you tell us a little bit about the person behind that smile?

‘I’ve always been an active person. I played sports most of my life, and as a kid I was always on my bike or out playing in the neighbourhood. Today I spend more time at my computer, but I still love bushwalking, swimming and of course TBP!

My kids and my husband John are my favourite people in the world. I have three children, two boys (12 and 11) and a girl (6). I love basketball but can’t really play anymore due to bad knees. In my free time, I like reading, baking, growing veggies, walking in the bush with my cocker spaniel – and doing TBP workouts, of course.

Your Team Body Project results are inspiring, how have they improved your life?

‘Like many people, I yo-yoed between what I thought of as my own ‘healthy weight’, which is of course individual for everyone. But I found that TBP really works. I’ve lost about 20kg working out with TBP and eating a healthy diet.

But it’s really not about the weight – it’s about how much healthier and energetic I feel now! During Covid, TBP also became my lifeline to sanity, giving me an easy way to move my body every day.

I struggled after having my third child, but eventually found that walking my dog for half an hour every day and doing a workout most days worked for me. I try to be steady and consistent – I don’t do workouts every single day and never do more than one a day. And everything that I do is low impact.’

How did you kick off your Team Body Project adventure?

‘I met Alex when our children were in the same class at school. Over time, I learned about TBP and Alex encouraged me to try the free classes. Her words were, “There are so many free workouts. Give them a go!”

Of course, I loved all the workout options on YouTube and the free subscription. My first workout plan was Real Start and, like many other members, was immediately hooked. In 2019, I became an annual member and I’ve never looked back.’

How did you go from watching the workout videos to featuring in them?

‘If you’d ever asked me if I would be in a workout video I would have fallen on the floor laughing! I’ve never been the most graceful! But one day Alex asked me if I’d consider coming in and doing some filming. I wasn’t sure if that was for me, but I thought what the heck. I’d give it a try.

That was when I met Natarsha and the three of us became fast friends. I love that TBP has given me a community and friendship group, as well as health and fitness.’

Our members want the behind-the-scenes scoop on our workout videos…

‘There’s not much to say because what you see is what you get! We almost always film straight through – so when I look like I’m struggling, I really am since I’m doing the workout just like you! The only exceptions are if we have a mic stop working or some other technical problem.

Also, if we look like we’re having fun, that’s because we are! Tarsh, Alex and Daniel make me laugh so much. I haven’t filmed as much with Hollie, Luke and Jaimie, but they’re just as funny and lovely as they seem on screen.

I guess some little insights are that we don’t have any air conditioning, so the sweat is real! And we often have the doors wide open so sometimes little birds fly in, which is cute.’

You have an injury. Has that affected your ability to do the workouts?

‘As a former basketball player, I have extremely bad knees and osteoarthritis. I’ve had a total of seven knee surgeries, with the last two in 2018. I always thought I’d never be able to do these kinds of workout videos again. But with the low impact and standing options that TBP offer, there’s (almost) no workout video I can’t do and I love the flexibility and variety.

I’m actually extremely grateful to have something that I love that has kept me moving despite bad knees.’

Do you have a favourite type of workout?

My favourite workouts are the strength training and resistance ones. Also, I love all the knee friendlies for obvious reasons!

Which coach do you connect with most?

‘I love Alex’s push and Daniel’s motivation. In the beginning, I would alternate between them as they both offered something different each time. Now I just look for videos without me in them! And I’m really loving both Hollie and Luke for their new approaches.’

Feeling inspired?

If Kristen’s Team Body Project results have given you an extra boost of motivation, why not give it a go for yourself? No matter how big your goals, every dream begins with a first step. Follow in Kristen’s footsteps by signing up to Team Body project’s free workouts. You have nothing to lose and we’ll be here in your corner, cheering you on all the way! Register here.

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